1979 Mazda RX-7 For Sale
- 1983 12A (1.2 liter) Rotary engine
- Racing Beat Power Pulse air filter
- Racing Beat small-diameter front pulley
- Racing Beat exhaust header (zero time)
- Dynomax muffler (one race weekend)
- Dual Crane Hi-6 ignition controllers
- Crane ignition coil
- Racing Beat “Red Hot” plug wires
- Carter fuel pump (zero time)
- Holley fuel pressure regulator
- Fram HPG-1 fuel filter with new HPGC-1 cartridge (zero time)
- fuelports.com (Paul Morrison) fuel sample port
- Braided lines and AN fittings for brakes, oil, and fuel
- 1979-1980 five-speed transmission (zero time on rebuild)
- 1:4.44 final drive
- Limited slip differential
- 1983 brakes (four-wheel disc)
- Tilton bias valve
- 3” cooling ducts
- Full set of Hawk Blue pads (zero time)
- 8-point roll cage with NASCAR-style driver door bars
- Cobra racing seat
- G-Force five-point harness and window net
- Quick-release steering wheel
- Fuel Safe 15 gallon fuel cell
- Four-panel “wink” rear-view mirror
- Heater and defroster/defogger work
- Racing Beat front strut-tower brace
- Front caster/camber plates
- Front and rear urethane bushings
- Rear spherical bearings
- Rear panhard bar
- Tokico adjustable coil-over front shocks
- Tokico “Blue” rear shocks
- Eibach springs
- One set of Revolution 13” x 5” (4” x
114.3mm 4-lug) with Hoosier R3S03 DOT “slicks”
- One set of steel wheels (painted white) with Toyo RA-1 rain
tires mounted
- Spares package including 1979-1980 transmission
Price: $5,000 firm
More photos coming soon. Browse the NutDriver web site
at http://www.NutDriver.org
for full information and more photos.
Doug Franklin at (770) 886-0299
Scott Franklin at (864) 439-9168
Vehicle is currently in Spartanburg, SC.